Flamenco Madrid > Flamenco Dance Schools

The best Flamenco’s Schools in Madrid

Learning to dance flamenco

It’s the time to train yourself in this vibrant discipline that surrounds the body and soul of those who practice and receive it.

Any of the selected Flamenco Schools will provide you technique and experience. A previous research work has given us as a result The podium of training in Flamenco.

We give you every detail of the best Flamenco Schools in Madrid. Now, according to your preferences and circumstances you can choose your optimum center without fear of mistakes.

Amor de Dios

To create and feel

Carmen Amaya

To create and feel

Isabel Quintero

Dancing for expresion


More than three decades without stopping to dance
cantantes y bailaores de flamenco en un show

The best 6 Flamenco shows in Madrid

Meet with the majesty of flamenco and its contention in the tablaos of the capital of Spain.[:es]

Los mejores 6 espectáculos Flamencos de Madrid

Encuéntrate con la majestuosidad del flamenco y su contención en los tablaos de la capital de España[:][:en]See shows in Madrid[:es]Ver espectáculos en Madrid[:]