Flamenco Madrid > Flamenco dress

Flamenco dress

The Andalusian origins of this traditional costume are still present today. Many of the flamenco fashion designers can be found in Andalusia. But don’t worry… Because the panoramic view of flamenco fashion is huge, and it spreads to other cities.

In Madrid you can find the flamenco dress that dresses you with light and joy. It may be a little more complicated than in Andalusia, but we are going to make it easy for you with these suggestions:

Guadalupe moda flamenca

Javier Nieto González


Tejidos Riaza

cantantes y bailaores de flamenco en un show

The best 6 Flamenco shows in Madrid

Meet with the majesty of flamenco and its contention in the tablaos of the capital of Spain.[:es]

Los mejores 6 espectáculos Flamencos de Madrid

Encuéntrate con la majestuosidad del flamenco y su contención en los tablaos de la capital de España[:][:en]See shows in Madrid[:es]Ver espectáculos en Madrid[:]