Carmen Amaya
To create and feel
Another option you have to consider when choosing your perfect Flamenco School is Carmen Amaya.
This Flamenco Cultural Association, founded in 1995, was named Carmen Amaya as a tribute to the bailaora (flamenco dancer) and cantaora (flamenco singer). Referent and inspiration for the teachers and founders of the school.
Sing for bulerías or fandangos is not the same again, after having gone through Carmen Amaya
Dolores Giménez, president and founder of the School, continues to be present and to develop the initial purpose with which the center was inaugurated: to bring Flamenco to everyone and to spread its foundations.
Within the options offered by this school we find very interesting the subcategories in which the different flamenco disciplines are divided:
From intensive courses, to complementary training for teachers through regular classes and masterclass.
On one hand, Flamenco dance classes in groups. Divided according to the different levels of the student. On the other hand, the option of taking private Flamenco dance classes, choosing the day and time in which they are implemented. You have also the option to have individual classes or to share them with another partner to work together.

The student chooses, the student decides.Carmen Amaya has her own rhythm base, which adapts the measure of the beat to the metronome tempo.
“Sing for bulerías or fandangos is not the same again, after having gone through Carmen Amaya”