Flamenco Madrid > Flamenco instruments

Flamenco instruments

What would be Flamenco if it wasn’t accompanied by instruments?

Flamenco is created from the soul, with passion and devotion. It is born from the entrails of cantaores, tocaores and bailaores. The Spanish guitar, el cajón (wooden box) or the castanets are some of the flamenco instruments that envelop this genre of own sounds, giving it identity.

Manuel Contreras

Guitar shop of family tradition

Camarada Percusión

Felipe Conde

More than a luthier

Unión musical

La guitarrería de Madrid

Guitarras Raimundo for 1968


El Flamenco Vive

Casa Diego

Flamenco Export

Don Flamenco

cantantes y bailaores de flamenco en un show

The best 6 Flamenco shows in Madrid

Meet with the majesty of flamenco and its contention in the tablaos of the capital of Spain.[:es]

Los mejores 6 espectáculos Flamencos de Madrid

Encuéntrate con la majestuosidad del flamenco y su contención en los tablaos de la capital de España[:][:en]See shows in Madrid[:es]Ver espectáculos en Madrid[:]