Don Flamenco
Although this store is known worldwide, for the elaboration and distribution of flamenco shoes. It Is also noteworthy for its selection of castanets: of capricho, semi-professional, professional and amateur.
In addition, to this varied selection, in Don Flamenco you have the opportunity to acquire your custom castanets, as well as buy accessories for this instrument, which a priori are difficult to find, such as mufflers or string games.
Don Flamenco is located in the neighborhood of the letters, specifically in Calle Santa Isabel N º 7. This Is a family business that has been running since 1962.
You can go to visit this corner of flamenco, or make your online purchase, as they also stand out for the management of orders and airtime.
“I remember when only one or two students from the love of god dance school entered, and now people come from Japan, Russia, Brazil, Australia, among other countries” Manuel (Founder of Don Flamenco).